Anime Club
Advisor: Ms. Van Ginkel
A group of like-minded students who get to know each other and enjoy our common interest in anime
Meetings: Fridays at Lunch 1103
Band Club
Advisor: Ms. Van Ginkel
Bring students together to rehearse and perform music on instruments at school and community events.
Meetings: Every Other Tuesday during Lunch Room 1103
Falcon Gears Robotics Club
Advisor: TBD
Build, compete, learn, and have fun. Make Friends and Robots.
Meetings: Room 402 (Tuesday and Thursday after school) 3:30 P.M. – 5:30 P.M.
Part of Falcon Flight
Advisors: Aida Jarrett and Laurie Worthington
Harry Potter Book Club
Advisor: Erin Southam
Students read and discuss the books in the Harry Potter series as well as fandom related topics, and take part in fun wizarding activities such as wand-making, Muggle Quidditch, wizard dueling, and much more. Club students help put on our annual event Pottercon each year. This is a truly magical club!
Meetings: Select Thursdays in the Library (3:05 to 4:00)
My Thrill Club
This club is to have fun! We are talking about mysteries, theories, unsolved cases, and different opinions on different topics.
Advisor: Mr. Ho-Sing-Loy
Meetings: Thursday at lunch in Room 701