Physical Education

Physical Education

P.E. Department Syllabus

Hilltop Middle Physical Education Website


Tracey Giles

Robert Johnson III

Jessica Pulido

Roland Seiter

Physical Education (PE) is a required course in California. All students are required to change from school clothes to PE clothes and participate in physical education daily. Each student is to furnish a combination lock. Your teacher will engrave it for you.

The PE outfit is a change of clothes that includes:

  1. The school T-shirt* or plain light gray T-shirt
  2. School shorts* or plain black shorts
  3. Socks and athletic shoes(cross trainers preferred) (laces should be tied)
  4. Cold weather wear includes:
    • the school sweatshirt or plain black, navy blue or dark gray sweatshirt and plain black, navy blue or dark gray sweat pants
    • HTM PE Uniform may be purchased at the ASB

All clothing must be marked with your name as instructed by your teacher. PE clothes and locks may be purchased at the beginning and throughout the year from the ASB.

PE Excuse: If you need to be excused from activity because of illness or injury, bring a note from your parent stating the problem and the number of days to be excused (1-3). This note excuses you from activity, but NOT FROM “SUITING UP.” You are not permitted to write the note; a parent must write and sign it.

If you need to be excused longer than three days, you must provide a note signed by a CALIFORNIA PHYSICIAN. Please bring this doctor’s note to the teacher. The teacher will send the student with a pass to the nurse.

PE Attendance: Students must be in line, at the locker room, before the tardy bell rings. Roll call will begin exactly five minutes after the tardy bell. Students must be seated on their roll call numbers as soon as they walk out of the locker room. After PE is over and you are dressed, students are to wait behind the gold line next to the locker room until the dismissal bell.

PE Locker: Your lock, locker, and clothes are your responsibility. Do not share your locker or lock combination with other students. Lockers are ASSIGNED BY THE TEACHER. Locks are engraved by the teacher. Write your name on all articles of clothing. This will assist in the return of any lost or stolen items. When leaving the locker area, check to make sure that your lock is secure and all your possessions are in the locker. PE lockers are for PE clothes only. Remember! Your lock, locker and clothing are your responsibility, NOT THE TEACHERS’.

Locker Room Behavior: All students are expected to maintain good behavior inside the locker room, and throughout the entire P.E. area. Respect, responsibility and integrity should be used in all areas of campus, including P.E. Bullying, stealing, poor sportsmanship, etc. will not be tolerated, and will be dealt with seriously.

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