This Saturday, September 14, 2024 we will have our semi annual FLAGS Rummage Sale! So clean out those closets and make a little extra cash for new treasures!
Option 1: Reserve a spot for $30 and you keep all profits from your sales.
—-> Select your spot here: tinyurl.com/4m8puxsd
—-> Pay via Zelle by scanning QR code on the attached flyer or entering the following information manually on Zelle.
Email: hilltopmiddletreasurer@gmail.com
Option 2: Not interested in selling?
—-> Consider donating your items.
—-> Contact htmflagschair@gmail.com to arrange for pick up.
—-> All proceeds benefit students in the FLAGS Program
If you have any questions, please contact the FLAGS chair at: htmflagschair@gmail.com