Student Resources
You can use the Jupiter Grades website to check your current grades, homework, missing assignments, test scores, report cards, and announcements. Check with your teacher to receive your username and password. Click on the logo below to access the website.
Additional Students Resources
Student Awards
District and Metro Transportation Services
Find a Bus Route in SUHSD (Interactive)
Metro Transportation System (Trolley, Bus, & Trains)
City of Chula Vista presents STARTS Middle School Bike Maps

No Loitering on School Campuses
This is just a reminder that students are released from school at 3:05 Monday through Thursday. On Friday students are released at 1:45. After school students have the options of staying in our FUSE program and the AEC (Academic Enrichment Center). Unless students are in these programs or serving an after school detention, they are to leave campus. Students are not to loiter in front of Hilltop Middle or at any other schools in the area. Police will be called if students are found hanging out in front of schools, especially if the school is in session.
Safe Environment at Hilltop Middle
We want to keep building a strong and positive culture at HTM and drugs and alcohol have absolutely no place here. If you or your child are aware that there are students who are under the influence of a controlled substance or they are bringing alcohol or drugs to school, let a school administrator or staff member you trust know about this. We will keep the conversation confidential and you will have done your part in ensuring HTM is drug free and a safe place to be. We want nothing but the best for all our students, but everyone needs to help.
If students are caught under the influence or in possession of drugs or alcohol on campus whether, it’s during instructional time or any other school activity, they will not only be suspended, but we will also find them alternative placement. Students under the influence or in possession of drugs will no longer be able to attend HTM. Again, the consequences for students caught under the influence or in possession of drugs or alcohol will include suspension, our school resource officer will be called to help handle the matter (with the possibility of being arrested), and they will no longer be a part of this school.